Thursday, 27 June 2013

[TechRepublic] Make Google Glass appeal to businesses

Google in the Enterprise

TechRepublic Member | June 27, 2013

Take your Google Apps experience into Orbit

Orbit is an enhancement product for Google Apps which provides better document and project management capabilities. Read more

Resource of the day

Your Data Under Siege: Protection in the Age of BYODs

Is your IT department a roadblock that employees go around to get work done or a helpful resource to make sure their devices, your company data and your IT infrastructure are secure? Download this paper to find out!

Quick Tip: Back up your photos to Google+

You can use Google+ on either Android or iOS to back up your mobile photos and videos. Here is how it works. Read more

Five ways to make Google Glass appeal to businesses

Google Glass debuted to a skeptical world. Here's what Google has to do to ensure a successful launch. Read more

Additional TechRepublic resources


[Infographic] Wiretapping: Privacy vs. security

This infographic traces the history of the privacy vs. security debate in the U.S. from the Bill of Rights to PRISM. Read more

Lessons for any company considering a tablet deployment

Patrick Gray offers some lessons that were learned about tablet deployment during a shopping trip at a retail store. Read more

Review: Vyew Collaboration System

If you are looking for a low-cost alternative to GoToMeeting or WebEx, Vyew is a compelling online collaboration service worth considering. Read more

How to use Google Data Highlighter, part 2

In part two of Ryan Boudreaux's introduction to the Google Data Highlighter tool, he shows you how to create both single- and multiple-page sets of data tagging to spice up your search results display. Read more

Featured multimedia


NOAA maps our lush, green Earth (pictures)

New imagery collected by the VIIRS sensor aboard the Suomi NPP satellite maps the subtle differences in Earth's greenness, from the lushest vegetation to vast, dry deserts. View on site

Today's recommended downloads

IDC: Generating Proven Business Value with EMC Next Generation Backup and Recovery (EMC)

Video: How Interactivity and Rich Media Change Teaching and Learning (Cisco Systems, Inc)

Performance Tools for C, C++, and Fortran Developers (Intel Software)

Are Your Endpoints Safe from Attacks? (IBM)

Right Here, Right Now - Delivering Real-Time Customer Response (IBM)

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Special feature: Next Generation Networks

The rising tides of big data, video, and cloud computing are driving tremendous demand for faster and more efficient networks. TechRepublic and ZDNet delve into how things like software-defined networks (SDN) and new wireless technologies are enabling business transformation.

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