Friday, 3 May 2013

Windows Phone 8 is 'charge it and get to work' device; the obnoxiousness of Google Glass; Windows XP: If it ain't broke...

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | May 03, 2013

Windows Phone 8 is the ultimate 'charge it and get to work' device

Patrick Gray takes a look at the pros and cons of Microsoft's Windows Phone 8. Find out why he was generally impressed with this device. Read more

Google Glass: Obnoxious and invasive at any price

Products like Google Glass will face numerous adoption challenges because they present issues in any number of social situations where privacy or desire to be "off the record" is most cherished. Read more

Resource of the day

Unified Communications Buyer's Guide

Deciding to invest in a unified communications system for your business is a good idea, but it's only the first step. With this buyer's guide you'll learn the important questions to ask before investing in a unified communications system.

More from TechRepublic


Windows XP: If it ain't broke...

BlackBerry fights to hold market share in India

IT departments: Compete with consumer cloud apps or risk a security breach

News from ZDNet


comScore: Apple tops smartphone charts again; Android leads OS share

BlackBerry 10 and Samsung Knox cleared for use by Department of Defense

Analysis: The long-hand of former CEO Andy Grove in Intel's choice of President Renee James

Google Glass app lets users wink to take a photo

iOS 6.1.4 released, tweaks iPhone 5 speakerphone

SAP aims for rapid deployments with online tools

Samsung announces one new handset per week - how many is too many?

China IT outsourcing to be 'next India'

Case study: How one firm used BI analytics to track staff performance

Oracle sharpens up mobile app development tools

Five things that could make a next-gen Surface into a hit product

Google gets sync

Jelly Bean alone in driving Android growth

Italy's mobile operators to bear the cost of fixing LTE interference

Why the browser wars are important to you

Barnes & Noble turns its Nook HD line into full-powered Android tablets

Cube 3D Printer goes retail at Staples for $1,299

Featured galleries


Boot Windows 8 into Safe Mode

Screenshots: Data Center Planner review

Sync more than one cloud storage service

Today's recommended downloads

PCI DSS Compliance for Databases with McAfee (McAfee)

Implementing Oracle Exalogic in a Payment Card Environment (Oracle)

Live Webcast - ERP Enhances Every Aspect of Your Business: Find Out How (TechRepublic)

On-demand Webcast: How to Keep Up With Data (SAP)

Cloud Computing: Make It Rain (Oracle)


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The Editor's Daily Picks newsletter gives you my picks for the top tech stories of the day on the products, people, and ideas that are revolutionizing the planet.

Jason Hiner
Editor in Chief

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Executive's guide to the 21st century data center (PDF)

To help you develop the best data center strategies for your organization, ZDNet and TechRepublic pulled together this collection of the latest information, analysis, perspective, and advice.

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