Friday, 10 May 2013

Google Glass: A non-nerd's guide; BlackBerry as a BYOD backend

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | May 10, 2013

Poll: BlackBerry Enterprise Server for BYOD

Take our poll and let us know if you were aware that BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) can now manage Android and iOS devices as part of BYOD. Read more

Exploring Google Glass: A non-nerd's guide (and wish list)

Does Glass have any appeal or potential for the average consumer? Possibly...but it won't be easy for Google to get there. Read more

Resource of the day

Real-Time Database Monitoring, Auditing, and Intrusion Prevention

In this white paper, look at the shortcomings of the database security tools and the technology and approach required to provide protection for all types of databases.

More from TechRepublic


Preparing enterprise applications for Big Data

What the decline in Apple's stock means for tablets

News from ZDNet


Android is crushing Apple and Microsoft in the mobile device market

Mobiles on planes: Nearly a third of devices left on during takeoff and landing

SAP debuts Lumira; self-service business intelligence

Virtualization's forgotten feature: short reboot times

Bored of the keyboard? Why I like BlackBerry 10, but not the Q10

Nokia Lumia 928 revealed; here is how it stacks up to the Lumia 920

Nokia Lumia 928 unveiled, headed to Verizon next week

Ubuntu working on new Linux application installer

Are Microsoft 'updates' like Blue really more than service packs?

Canonical to 'dogfood' Ubuntu smartphones before end of May

Alternative to Dell buyout deal proposed by Icahn, Southeastern

Microsoft Surface: Learning what a tablet is for

Mobile broadband's false promise

It's 4G, but they don't like to talk about it: How Denmark's LTE rose from the ashes of a price war

Smartphone doctors can fill India's healthcare gap

Today's recommended downloads

The Next Step in Engineered Systems (Oracle)

Oracle SPARC Innovation Infographic (Oracle)

Tap Into the Economic Advantages of Private Cloud (IBM)

Enhancing the Customer Experience: The Promise of BPM Technology for Retailers (Oracle)

Start by Protecting Data at the Source: Your Databases (Oracle)


About this newsletter

The Editor's Daily Picks newsletter gives you my picks for the top tech stories of the day on the products, people, and ideas that are revolutionizing the planet.

Jason Hiner
Editor in Chief

For real-time updates on the latest tech stories, follow my Twitter feed (@jasonhiner) or my Google+ feed (+Jason Hiner).

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Special Feature: The Evolution of Enterprise Software

Enterprise software represents the glue that ties together teams and business processes, especially in global organizations. Check out this TechRepublic and ZDNet special feature to see how enterprise software is simplifying, mobilizing, and getting a lot more social.

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