Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The one big fix that could save Windows 8; BlackBerry BBM coming to Android, iOS

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | May 14, 2013

The one big fix that could save Windows 8

There's one big move Microsoft could still make to salvage Windows 8. Whether it will have the courage to do it remains a question mark. Read more

Resource of the day

Tap Into the Economic Advantages of Private Cloud

IBM SmartCloud™ Entry on System x® with VMware vSphere Essentials Plus provides an expandable cloud system designed to offer a comprehensive and simple solution at a competitive price point.

More from TechRepublic


It's Microsoft Patch Tuesday: May 2013

News from ZDNet


BlackBerry to launch BBM on iOS and Android this summer

BlackBerry announces colorful new Q5 device for emerging markets

BlackBerry Q10 and Z10 get Skype with version 10.1

BlackBerry releases BES 10.1: Simplified deployments, IT policy options

BlackBerry boosts enterprise IM with Microsoft Lync, Lotus support

BlackBerry unveils its own social network, BBM Channels

BlackBerry and Nokia hero phones get headlines, but its the Q5 and Ashas you need to watch

Nokia Lumia 928 and 925 make it clear Microsoft is holding back Nokia innovation

SAP introduces Mobile Secure; mobile device management

Bromium: A virtualization technology to kill all malware, forever

Windows 8.1 'Blue': Is it a service pack, a redesign, or a rebranding?

Is Microsoft reading your Skype instant messages?

IBM divulges private cloud progress in an infographic

Oracle report examines impact of bad cloud deployments on business results

McLaren CIO: How we're working with big data

Oracle targets government cloud deals with new UK datacentre

São Paulo city to invest $22 million in free Wi-Fi project

Featured galleries


Screenshots: Five obscure web browsers

Today's recommended downloads

Live Webcast - ERP Enhances Every Aspect of Your Business: Find Out How (TechRepublic)

CBS eBook: Oracle Database (Oracle)

Process-Centric Banking: The Promise of BPM Technology for Financial Services Institutions (Oracle)

Explore the Features and Functionality of Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Release 2 (Oracle)

IBM Storwize V3700: Ideal for VMware Environments (IBM)


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Jason Hiner
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Special Feature: The Evolution of Enterprise Software

Enterprise software represents the glue that ties together teams and business processes, especially in global organizations. Check out this TechRepublic and ZDNet special feature to see how enterprise software is simplifying, mobilizing, and getting a lot more social.

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