Thursday, 9 May 2013

Infographic: World's greatest data centers; White House aims to 'liberate open data' with Executive Order

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | May 09, 2013

Infographic: Awesome data centers

This infographic from offers some statistics on the world's largest data centers. Read more

White House aims to 'liberate open data' with Executive Order

A new "Open Data Policy" aims to require all new government data to be made available in open, machine-readable formats. Read more

Resource of the day

McAfee Database Security: Real Time Protection

There's plenty you can do to protect your company's databases—and reputation. With McAfee® Database Security, achieving protection and compliance is easier than you might think.

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Screenshots: Windows 8 Reset your password tool

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Live Webcast - ERP Enhances Every Aspect of Your Business: Find Out How (TechRepublic)

Reduce Complexity and Accelerate Enterprise Cloud Infrastructure Deployments (Oracle)

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 vs. IBM DB2 Enterprise 9.7 (Oracle)

Enhancing the Customer Experience: The Promise of BPM Technology for Retailers (Oracle)

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 vs. Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Release 2 (Oracle)


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Special Feature: The Evolution of Enterprise Software

Enterprise software represents the glue that ties together teams and business processes, especially in global organizations. Check out this TechRepublic and ZDNet special feature to see how enterprise software is simplifying, mobilizing, and getting a lot more social.

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