Monday, 13 May 2013

Poll: Can new BlackBerry Q10 win back Android and iPhone converts?

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | May 13, 2013

Poll: Can new BlackBerry Q10 win back converts and retain loyalists?

The BlackBerry Q10 wants to win back Android and iPhone converts and re-energize the faithful. Does it appeal to you? Take our poll. Read more

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Demystifying Unified Communications

To achieve UC and other next-generation benefits, companies must build the right foundation. Check out this white paper to learn more.

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Jason Hiner
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Special Feature: The Evolution of Enterprise Software

Enterprise software represents the glue that ties together teams and business processes, especially in global organizations. Check out this TechRepublic and ZDNet special feature to see how enterprise software is simplifying, mobilizing, and getting a lot more social.

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