Wednesday, 3 April 2013

[TechRepublic] The great browser shake-up of 2013

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TechRepublic Member | April 03, 2013

Editor's note
Did you enjoy that passage of time where the mantra for mobile websites was "Target WebKit and let everything else fall where it may"? Overnight, that mantra was outdated, as Google announced that it is creating its own rendering engine, Blink. The Apple/Google/Opera WebKit alliance was a brief one, as Opera is moving to Blink with Google. What happens to WebKit now is mostly a question for Cupertino and whichever other companies decide to remain. One of those companies involved in WebKit, Samsung, has been playing on the Mozilla side of the fence, as well. Mozilla revealed this week that it is working on a new browser engine with Mozilla — but this one is purely experimental at this stage. And to round out the news for all major browsers, Microsoft updated its virtual machines this week. The VMs allow for developers and designers to quickly set up a VM with a working copy of IE across the various version of Windows. I recommend you check it out if you haven't already. Have a good week, everyone! —Chris

The great browser shake-up of 2013

In a jam-packed 24 hours, Google announces it is forking WebKit, and Samsung teams up with Mozilla to develop a new engine. Read more

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