Thursday, 18 April 2013

[TechRepublic] Three interview questions you need to be ready to answer

IT Career

TechRepublic Member | April 18, 2013

Three interview questions you need to be ready to answer

Here are the three questions that Forbes says all other interview questions boil down to. Read more

Resource of the day

On-demand Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market

Don't miss this webcast that will examine the importance of data storage solutions for the mid-market, including best practice tips for gathering and storing data safely and inexpensively.

Recognize the dependable people on your team

Behind-the-scenes capability is one of those things that is often taken for granted and frequently overlooked when it comes to recognition. Read more

Yahoo and the perils of going remote

In light of Yahoo's reversal on its employees working from home, Patrick Gray talks about why the decision is more complicated that people think. Read more

Use color to identify messages in Microsoft Outlook

Use color to identify people and subjects when you download them to your Outlook Inbox. Copying the format to other views will retain the color, even if you move the message to another folder. Read more

We are hiring, say tech companies - but the government hasn't done much to help

UK tech companies are aiming to add staff this year, even if they feel that government job-creation policies haven't done much to assist. Read more

Infographic: Americans would give up sex before smartphones

Recent poll results show that Americans are more willing to give up sex than their smartphones, but caffeine is even more important than that. Take our poll to see if we get similar results. Read more

Featured multimedia


America's top Android devices (pictures)

A look at which Android devices are still most active in the United States might surprise. There's some fresh faces, but some vintage (ok, at least as far back as 2010) names with staying power, too. View on site

Today's recommended downloads

Live Webcast - Mobile Data Security: Why the Industry Must Improve - Or Else (TechRepublic)

On-demand Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market (EMC)

Live Webcast - ERP Enhances Every Aspect of Your Business: Find Out How (TechRepublic)

The Basics of IP Address Subnetting (Global Knowledge)

ZLTO Meets 5 Minute RPO with Silver Peak and Dell EqualLogic (Silver Peak Systems, Inc.)

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The 21st Century Data Center Special Feature

More than ever, data centers run the world, but many of them need a 21st century reboot. Today's data centers have to be more efficient, redundant, and flexible than ever. TechRepublic and ZDNet examine when and how to best run your own data center versus when to outsource to the cloud or a service provider, and when to take a hybrid approach.

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