Wednesday, 10 April 2013

[TechRepublic] The Coalition's NBN and Firefox 23

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TechRepublic Member | April 10, 2013

Editor's note
Let's start this week with the non-NBN content. Firefox will soon "fix" a problem present in the internet from day one, namely the loading of unsecured content on SSL pages. I say "fix" because it actually will still load images, video, and audio; but at least JavaScript, WebSockets, and inline frames are prevented from loading. And now on to the Coalition's NBN announcement. There have been plenty of stories covering it on ZDNet, but some of the highlights follow: For straight facts, there's the story on the announcement itself (; later, with some response and a choice quote, was the story entitled "Abbott: 25Mbps broadband 'more than enough' for Australia" (; and finally, the latest release of the Internet Activity report shows that, as a country, we are not embracing wireless technologies ( If you are after even more NBN coverage, I recommend heading over to ZDNet to keep up to date. Have a good week, everyone! --Chris

Prepare your https sites for Firefox 23

An upcoming release of Firefox will prevent non-SSL non-display content loading on SSL pages. Read more

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