Monday, 15 April 2013

Microsoft's Windows 8 approach: Bold, arrogant, or both?; Tech companies say they are hiring

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | April 15, 2013

We are hiring, say tech companies - but the government hasn't done much to help

UK tech companies are aiming to add staff this year, even if they feel that government job-creation policies haven't done much to assist. Read more

Microsoft's Windows 8 approach: Bold, arrogant, or both?

Microsoft has done many bold things in Windows 8. No one in their right mind would accuse this release of being timid or overly cautious. But plenty of perfectly sane critics have attacked Microsoft for being arrogant, stubborn, and dismissive of legitimate complaints. They might be right. Read more

Resource of the day

On-demand Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market

Don't miss this webcast that will examine the importance of data storage solutions for the mid-market, including best practice tips for gathering and storing data safely and inexpensively.

More from TechRepublic


See what's new with Google Voice

Infographic: Americans would give up sex before smartphones

Ways to protect your brand from social media risks

Chip Camden leaves consulting, world stubbornly refuses to end

News from ZDNet


US, China to form cybersecurity working group

Amazon CEO Bezos: AWS an example of 'internally driven motivation'

Special Report: G.W. Bush's 103.6 million missing email messages and the IT archiving challenge

Mozilla's TowTruck project brings real-time collaboration to websites

Agnosticism rules the cloud

Baidu sets up machine-learning lab next door to Apple HQ

Asus launches dual-screen Taichi 31 Ultrabook with tablet capabilities

Tell me again why we need Office on the iPad?

ICANN seeks input on new strategic plan

HP builds up OpenStack portfolio with new messaging, bursting services

Much Ado About Showrooming

Countdown now ticking for Apple WWDC tickets

Justice Dept: US spectrum sale must encourage competition

Facebook Home moves into Google Play app store

Today's recommended downloads

New Features and Benefits of XenApp 6.5 (Global Knowledge)

The Network Manager Checklist for Cloud (Global Knowledge)

Case Study: Exmoor National Park (Kofax_AU)

On-demand Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market (EMC)

Forrester Video: The Next Generation Cloud and Your Network (Silver Peak Systems, Inc.)


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The Editor's Daily Picks newsletter gives you my picks for the top tech stories of the day on the products, people, and ideas that are revolutionizing the planet.

Jason Hiner
Editor in Chief

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The 21st Century Data Center Special Feature

More than ever, data centers run the world, but many of them need a 21st century reboot. Today's data centers have to be more efficient, redundant, and flexible than ever. TechRepublic and ZDNet examine when and how to best run your own data center versus when to outsource to the cloud or a service provider, and when to take a hybrid approach.

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