Friday, 5 April 2013

Top smartphones: A feature-to-feature comparison chart; Google Apps vs. Office 365

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | April 05, 2013

Leading smartphone feature-to-feature comparison chart

Jack Wallen breaks down the feature offerings of four of the leading business smartphones in the United States. Read more

Resource of the day

Live Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market

Don't miss this webcast that will examine the importance of data storage solutions for the mid-market, including best practice tips for gathering and storing data safely and inexpensively.

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Cloud computing and the evolution of the data center

Five Apps for better desktop publishing

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In the shadow of Silicon Valley, poverty

Microsoft's latest pitch to business: Make Windows Azure 'your datacenter'

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Google's Blink: In beta for everything but iOS by June - but don't expect to see any changes

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Samsung estimates $7.7B profit in Q1

Google angers Indian policy makers over "Mapathon"

Windows 7 without Service Pack 1 is out; Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 is in

Risk vs. opportunity: Managing your datacenter upgrade

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 lands in UK

HTC One Developer Edition available for pre-order for just $649.99

Amazon's Bezos makes 'significant investment' in news site

HP shakes up board again, Lane steps down as chairman

Movie film era draws to a close

Phone Home? Facebook Home another intolerable waste of time

A classic Microsoft pose, 32 years later

Featured galleries


Five App Screenshots: Better desktop publishing

Today's recommended downloads

Comparison of Avaya and ShoreTel Unified Communication Solutions (ShoreTel)

451: Silver Peak Claims Proof-Positive of Network Virtualization's Agility (Silver Peak Systems, Inc.)

On-demand Webcast: Enabling Exceptional Customer Service (IBM)

Live Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market (EMC)

The Role of Virtual WAN Optimization in the Next-Generation Datacenter (Silver Peak Systems, Inc.)


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The Editor's Daily Picks newsletter gives you my picks for the top tech stories of the day on the products, people, and ideas that are revolutionizing the planet.

Jason Hiner
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