Thursday, 4 April 2013

Manage cloud services from your Android tablet

Tablets in the Enterprise

TechRepublic Member | April 04, 2013

Manage cloud services from your Android tablet with SME Cloud File Manager

Jack Wallen takes a look at SME Cloud File Manager, a free application that lets you access and manage cloud services from your Android tablet. Read more

Resource of the day

Live Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market

Don't miss this webcast that will examine the importance of data storage solutions for the mid-market, including best practice tips for gathering and storing data safely and inexpensively.

Posts from ZDNet


Tablet shipments to grow rapidly as PCs decline; Android rules the roost, says report

Another nugget from the Dept. of the Rather Obvious, tablet shipments are expected to grow by a massive 70 percent while PCs and laptops shipments decline by 7.3 percent, while Android will remain the platform favorite by three-times its closest rival by 2017. Read more

Manufacturers slashing prices of Windows RT tablets

Microsoft is still keeping its Surface RT priced at $499, however. Read more

Nexus 7 tablet successor to arrive in July

A second version of the Nexus 7 tablet could start landing on retailers' shelves from July 2013, with Google aiming to shift up to eight million of the devices before the year is over. Read more

HTC can't afford to mess around with a rumored Windows RT tablet

There are rumors that HTC made be coming out with a Windows RT tablet, and I think that is a huge mistake for the financially failing company. It has an excellent device in the One, and needs to market the heck out of it to try to get back in the game. Read more

9 best iPad keyboards (hands on): March 2013

The question I get asked most frequently is, "what keyboard do you like for the iPad?" This collection is bound to have an iPad keyboard for everyone. I have even covered two keyboards for the iPad mini. Read more

Best Android tablets (April 2013 edition)

Don't want to give your money to Apple in exchange for an iPad or iPad mini? No problem! Here are my top 5 Android tablets for April 2013. Read more

14-month study narrows 'winning' tablet ad models down to 3 options

Digital communications group VivaKi declares it has narrowed down successful marketing on tablets to a trio of models proven to outperform standard ads. Read more

Featured multimedia


Clean up your hard drive with five easy to use tools

There are times when a handy disk janitor utility can swoop in and save the day. Jack Wallen lists a few of his favorites. View on site

Five best of breed cloud sync apps

Jack Wallen shares his five choices for best of breed cloud sync apps. View on site

Today's recommended downloads

Live Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market (EMC)

The Role of Virtual WAN Optimization in the Next-Generation Datacenter (Silver Peak Systems, Inc.)

On-demand Webcast: How to Keep Up With Data (SAP)

Data Deduplication 101: How it works and which solutions fit best for your environment (Quest Software, Inc., now a part of Dell)

Info Tech's WAN Optimization Vendor Landscape (Silver Peak Systems, Inc.)

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