Posts from ZDNet | | Facebook Home: A prettier Motoblur Facebook unveiled the Home app designed to let the social network take over your Android home screen. A few years ago the failed Motoblur tried to do the same thing. Read more | HTC One versus Sony Xperia Z: Smartphone flagship showdown Hands on with HTC and Sony's high end smartphones; which one will have the edge? Read more | Is Facebook on the HTC First and HTC One the savior of HTC? The HTC First Facebook phone is available for pre-order now, and the HTC One with BlinkFeed functionality that can be set just to Facebook updates is coming soon. Will a focus on Facebook be attractive to consumers and help HTC stem its financial slide? Read more | Try out a few BB10 gestures and functions on your iOS or Android device BlackBerry's new BB10 OS has unique gestures and features and to help people understand them they released a mobile-optimized web tutorial for people to give BB10 a try. Read more | Update: Facebook phone? Been there, done that, and nobody cared Facebook is generating buzz with the unveiling of Home, but it seems everyone has forgotten about the Facebook phone nobody wanted. Read more | First impressions: Hands-on with Facebook Home for Android The screenshots of Facebook Home look nifty, but how useful (or necessary) is it actually in practice? Read more | With Home, Facebook backs into a broader ecosystem Who said a walled garden had to exist only on the web? The Facebook Home phone concept pushes out the company's digital walls even further. Read more | Facebook Home: Android takeover and Google punch to the head Facebook can hit the monetization, juice the experience, target tablets and basically circle all of Google's touch points.From a business perspective, Facebook Home is a work of art. Read more | Apple's smartphone share rockets, Android loses ground Apple and Google remain at the top in their respective zones, but neither gain full marks at the top of the smartphone and platform podium. The iPhone—Android duopoly continues. Read more | |  |  | Connect with TechRepublic | | Survey: Is your enterprise software a hit or a miss? From BI to CRM, enterprise software is the glue that ties together teams and business processes. Take our survey to let us know how your company is using enterprise software, whether it meets your expectations, and what features are on your wish list. | | |
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