Thursday, 4 April 2013

[TechRepublic] Off-color remarks at conference result in two developers getting fired

IT Career

TechRepublic Member | April 04, 2013

Off-color remarks at conference result in two developers getting fired

Sexual jokes made by a couple of male attendees at the Python Developer Conference are overheard and two firings result. Read more

Resource of the day

Live Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market

Don't miss this webcast that will examine the importance of data storage solutions for the mid-market, including best practice tips for gathering and storing data safely and inexpensively.

10 workplace wellness tips for IT managers

Techies have a unique approach to life - and your employee wellness program needs to reflect that. These tips will get yours moving in the right direction. Read more

Find the hidden talent in your organization

Hidden talent is the ultimate organizational resource. It's already present in your organization, doesn't require any procurement, and can be exploited without incurring any significant cost increase. Read more

Open source's profound impact on the development community

Justin James gives a brief overview of open source's evolution and how perceptions about it have changed. He also explains how open source gives developers new career options. Read more

Additional TechRepublic resources


Four things that make your resume look dated

Even if people keep their resume up to date with their latest jobs, they often plug that new information into an old format. Here's how to tell if your resume is dated and what to do about it. Read more

Words that mean nothing in a resume

Some of the most often used terms in resumes are also the most meaningless. Learn how to avoid that pitfall. Read more

Survey: Is your enterprise software at hit or miss?

Take TechRepublic's survey and let us know how your company is using its enterprise software and how it measures up. Read more

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Five more alternatives to Microsoft Outlook

Jack Wallen suggests some alternative and cheaper email clients that make migration away from Outlook a possibility. View on site

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Free 30 Day Trial: Ericom Blaze RDP Acceleration & Compression (Ericom Software)

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Oracle Tuxedo 12c Datasheet (Oracle)

Oracle Exalogic: Getting the Most Out of Your Applications (Oracle)

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