Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Benchmarks: HTC One and Nexus 4 (with iPhone 5 comparison); Intel predicts rebounds for PCs and servers

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | April 17, 2013

Benchmarks: HTC One, Sony Xperia Z, Google/LG Nexus 4

We employ a battery of tests to evaluate how HTC's latest high-end smartphone stacks up to its Android competition, and also to Apple's current iOS devices. Read more

Resource of the day

On-demand Webcast: Affordable and Secure Data Storage for the Mid-Market

Don't miss this webcast that will examine the importance of data storage solutions for the mid-market, including best practice tips for gathering and storing data safely and inexpensively.

More from TechRepublic


Security mysteries: The case of the cloudy data

Company boards? Must try harder - you're just not digital enough

Three areas of concern for Big Data in the data center

News from ZDNet


Intel predicts rebounds for PC, datacenter units later this year

Samsung Galaxy S4 coming to seven US carriers starting 24 April

Microsoft rolling out two-factor authentication across its product line

The Chromebook isn't selling -- so what?

Microsoft adds Foxconn parent to list of Android patent deal scalps

Intel outlines new strategy, investments for cloud-based networking

How Intel could give Windows 8 the break it has been waiting for

Google Glass: Fees, ads and virtual currency are banned from Explorer Edition

Google services go down, access spotty

The shrinking gap between cloud service providers and consumers

TomTom announces new GPS sport watches free from Nike ecosystem

NextGen CIO: The CIO MasterClass participants

Is the UK really opening up its 5G consultation process already?

Brazil launches 4G network, smartphone options scant

Featured galleries


Five Data Center Management Apps

Today's recommended downloads

On-demand Webcast: How to Keep Up With Data (SAP)

Integrating Business Process Management and Complex Event Processing (Oracle)

451: Silver Peak Claims Proof-Positive of Network Virtualization's Agility (Silver Peak Systems, Inc.)

Oracle Exalogic: Getting the Most Out of Your Applications (Oracle)

Process-Centric Banking: The Promise of BPM Technology for Financial Services Institutions (Oracle)


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The Editor's Daily Picks newsletter gives you my picks for the top tech stories of the day on the products, people, and ideas that are revolutionizing the planet.

Jason Hiner
Editor in Chief

For real-time updates on the latest tech stories, follow my Twitter feed (@jasonhiner) or my Google+ feed (+Jason Hiner).

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The 21st Century Data Center Special Feature

More than ever, data centers run the world, but many of them need a 21st century reboot. Today's data centers have to be more efficient, redundant, and flexible than ever. TechRepublic and ZDNet examine when and how to best run your own data center versus when to outsource to the cloud or a service provider, and when to take a hybrid approach.

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