Monday, 22 April 2013

Data centers in the 21st century: Photos of the latest designs; Beware of new Android malware

The Editor's Daily Picks

TechRepublic Member | April 22, 2013

Data centers in the 21st Century

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Web Analytics - Critical insights for e-commerce success

Web analytics solutions have become an indispensable tool for e-commerce, but they typically only provide partial visibility into the actual customer experience. Download this paper to see how you can determine what's happening on your web site, and why it's happening.

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The 21st Century Data Center Special Feature

More than ever, data centers run the world, but many of them need a 21st century reboot. Today's data centers have to be more efficient, redundant, and flexible than ever. TechRepublic and ZDNet examine when and how to best run your own data center versus when to outsource to the cloud or a service provider, and when to take a hybrid approach.

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