Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Tech lets ALS patient say 'I love you' for first time in 15 years

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Jason Hiner

Editor of this Newsletter

Jason Hiner | Global Editor in Chief, TechRepublic | @jasonhiner

I write about the products, people, and ideas that are revolutionizing business with technology. This newsletter is my picks for the top tech stories of the day.

With Not Impossible's technology, ALS patient says 'I love you' for first time in 15 years

Don Moir has ALS, and hasn't been able to speak for more than a decade. Not Impossible Labs gave him his voice back using a special keyboard and open source technology.

Photos: Drones for good - from disaster rescue to replanting the world's forests

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Chips under the skin: Biohacking, the connected body is 'here to stay'

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(Alert Logic)

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