Thursday, 19 February 2015

Chat apps: Free and secure

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Jody Gilbert

Editor of this Newsletter

Jody Gilbert | Senior Editor | @jodylgilbert

Jody Gilbert has been writing and editing technical articles for the past 25 years. She was part of the team that launched TechRepublic and is now senior editor for Tech Pro Research.

Five free and secure messaging tools

You don't have to encrypt your sensitive chat communications -- one of these free apps will keep your secrets safe.

8 apps to help you monitor data usage on your mobile device

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Keep your data safe with one of these five cloud backup tools

Five data recovery tools that could save the day

Five free apps for customizing your lock screen

Additional TechRepublic resources

Does there need to be an app for that?

Cautionary tale: Fancy case won't buy you a new phone

Ubuntu Phone: Revolutionary UI with underwhelming hardware specs

Microsoft and Wix partner to bring simple website development to Office 365

Greatly improve the power of Google Now with Commandr

A roundup of 2015 technology predictions

Internet of Things, wearables, robots, 3D printing -- how much of the newest tech will make its way into business? Charles McLellan offers this analysis of key predictions.

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Featured multimedia

Photos: Drones for good - from disaster rescue to replanting the world's forests

Photos: Five OSes you can run on your Raspberry Pi 2

Today's recommended downloads

Live Webcast: Don't Drown in Your Data Lake


Live Webcast: Single Sign On - Past, Present, and Future


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(Alert Logic)

Download a FREE Trial of the Network Bandwidth Analyzer Pack from SolarWinds!


Announcing the New Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Cluster Edition

(Intel Software)

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A Special Feature from TechRepublic and ZDNet

Security and privacy: New challenges

As big data, the internet of things, and social media spread their wings, they bring new challenges to information security and user privacy. We examine the new challenges and how companies can best deal with them.

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