Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Diabetics are hacking their health, because traditional systems failed them

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#WeAreNotWaiting: Diabetics are hacking their health, because traditional systems have failed them (PDF download)

Diabetics have been waiting for years for better technology to manage their condition. Some got tired of waiting and hacked together an open source hardware and software solution. This is their story. Download the magazine version of the article as a free PDF.

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When measuring something new, the hardest question is often the first one: What is the most informative and helpful way to measure this? In this webinar, we'll revisit the basics of "ways to measure things" and discover a practical methodology for identifying informative and actionable metrics. We'll discuss ways things can go wrong, and how improved communication, collaboration, and open feedback between analysts and end-users help prevent setbacks. We'll also explore the specifics of some of the most helpful analyses. Register now!

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Governments and nation states are now officially training for cyberwarfare: An inside look (PDF download)

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