Monday, 22 February 2016

Drones present new security and IT concerns

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Drones collecting big data present new security and IT concerns

The nefarious ways data collected from drones could be used needs to be considered now rather than in the midst of a security crisis.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Analytics prediction confidence: It's all about semantics

Drone drawbacks: Experts debate safety and risks of unmanned aircraft

IBM Watson machine learns the art of writing a good headline

Mini-glossary: Business intelligence and analytics terms you should know

Featured Webcast

Live Webcast: Avoiding Big Data Headaches: Moving Hadoop to Production

Open source big data analytics such as Hadoop and Spark, are important tools for gaining insight into a variety of large data sets. Despite the promise of easy deployment, there is a challenge to meeting enterprise requirements. Big Data reliability, data consistency, security and efficiency are rarely met in the sandbox environment where the project starts.

In this webinar, join John Webster of The Evaluator Group while he outlines how the choice of a storage solution can address enterprise requirement or increase the complexity of an enterprise big data project. Register now!

Featured multimedia

10 of the latest security products that can help you fight bad guys

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(CA Technologies)

Evaluating file sync and share solutions: 12 questions to ask about security (Denmark)


A special feature from TechRepublic and ZDNet

VR and AR: The Business Reality

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are going to be useful for far more than just gaming. We explore the ways the technology will be used for training, marketing, product design, and much more.

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