Monday, 9 June 2014

Your first programming job: 6 tips for crafting a strong resume

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Jason Hiner

Editor of this Newsletter

Jason Hiner | Global Editor in Chief, TechRepublic | @jasonhiner

I write about the products, people, and ideas that are revolutionizing business with technology. This newsletter is my picks for the top tech stories of the day.

Your first programming job: 6 tips for crafting a strong resume

School's over. Before blasting your resume into every accepting inbox, make sure it's sharp enough to earn you an answer.

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Stop trying to be Facebook and Google, there are easier ways to cut datacentre costs

Laura Weidman Powers: CODE2040 Founder. Minority Advocate. Discomforter.

How big of a threat is Facebook's ad play to Google?

Can the Amazon phone prime users from Android and iOS?

Containers: replacements or alternatives to virtual machines?

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Docker 1.0 brings container technology to the enterprise

New iOS 7 lock screen flaw opens up iPhones, iPads in seconds

Microsoft's Skype 5.0 for iPhone due 'in about a week'

Take Raspberry Pi, build your own private cloud

Organised cybercrime groups are now as powerful as nations

Google may highlight search results dropped due to 'right to be forgotten' demands

The land where skilled IT workers don't pay tax. Yes, it really exists

My Grandfather: Business analytics in wartime, 1942

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